Friday, March 25, 2011

Elephantitis Of The Nuts

"How do we sell the bike," political indicators, MEXICO

"How do we sell the bike," political indicators, MEXICO

"How do we sell the bike"
25/03/2011 - 1:49

By: Francisco Rodríguez
In an essay titled like this collaboration, Noam Chomsky and Ignacio Ramonet suggest that the first operation of a democratic government propaganda was undertaken under the mandate of President Wilson, the same that led to U.S. involvement in World War was accepted by a population that, months earlier, showed the opposite trend to peace and conflict intervention. This operation was with the participation of a circle of intellectuals who consciously desired transmitting misinformation.

Propaganda, pictures, public relations, all to reach the single thought, even, as it since yesterday is to happen in Mexico to support Calderon's war and "not interfere in the fight against crime."

Exactly what the occupant of Los Pinos has been demanding, in different shades, for months. Served, then. At your service, as always.
Chomsky says that there are a number of historical examples as in liberal democracies created an intellectual class that shaped public opinion in the interests of the administration, which in turn controls the committee of people "intellectually superior" to the masses.
Thus, in contemporary political thought - virtually globalized generating the so-called single thought - not because there is no room for class equality even for a respect for freedom of information and intellectual development of people, no. Today, public opinion must be shaped by a specialized class, because the majority are too stupid to understand and make decisions.
And those higher intellectual (sic), that specialized class, today comprises by Lopez-Doriga, Alatorre, Loret, Sarmiento, Beteta, Gómez Leyva, Cardenas, et al. They are our guides. They must follow. What you say will be very nearly divine word, and woe to anyone who dares even to get away from mother! READ MORE

honored to be with Obrador.


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